By Orso and Peter Miyakawa | 2019 | 93'

Written and directed by

Orso and Peter Miyakawa


Antonio Miyakawa
Francesco Melzi D’Eril
Stella Rossa Savino


Manoel Hudec
Camilla Semino Favro
Alberto Malanchino
James Miyakawa

International Sales

Minerva Pictures


I Wonder Pictures





A Fourteen years old kid, a young woman who smuggles medicines up and down the Italian Border with France and a bizarre American tennis teacher who dreams of being a painter. Their lives turn when they come across an illegal migrant.
 All together, they come up with an absurd plan to help him sneak across the border between Italy and France.

"Tra Truffaut, Wes Anderson e Ventimiglia: Il miracolo pop di Easy Living"

"Film di atmosfere particolarissime, di luoghi straniati e quasi sospesi"

"C'è una nuova coppia di fratelli nel cinema italiano"

"Guardando Easy Living si respira aria di cinema"

"Un personalissimo e cinefilo romanzo di formazione"